Accountability for Change Consulting
Welcome to the home of Accountability for Change Consulting.
Accountability International has the pleasure to announce that we have now officially moved to become a hybrid NGO.
We have always done strategic advisory and consulting work with partner movements, sharing our knowledge and expertise in partnerships that paid AI for our time. We have also always used those funds to co-sponsor our emerging start-ups until funders could step in or to implement projects that we deemed worthy.
Now we will be amplifying that aspect of our work going forward. Accountability for Change will very actively be seeking consulting work, piece contracts and other development work as a means to become a fully-fledged hybrid NGO. Hybrid NGOs are becoming the norm as activists struggle to access funds for niche work that is not covered by the general funding landscape. We believe we still have much to contribute on accountability, transparency and inclusion!
Our Mission and Vision
We hold leaders accountable for their political promises and actively demand accountability for inclusion and human rights. We act as a watchdog using research, advocacy, innovative tools, ratings, accountability literacy and governance as our strategy.
Accountability for Change’s vision is a world where there is accountability for the lives, human rights and wellbeing of all persons, across all spheres of society.
Over 25 years of experience working at national, regional and global levels conceptualizing, facilitating, managing and supporting diverse programs…
Francis Joseph Phiri is the Project Coordinator for the Mental Health Users Network of Zambia (MHUNZA) and Director at Bwalo Global Development Trust in Zambia serving both organizations on part-time basis.
Lynette Keneilwe Eyde is a Southern African-based African Public Health & Strategic Engagement Consultant. She also practices as a traditional healer (Sangoma).
Michael Schmidt is a veteran African participatory democracy, artistic freedoms and human rights activist, researcher, investigative journalist, media consultant, and the bestselling author of six non-fiction books.
Anthony is a social development professional with particular interest in equality and diversity, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) and social justice.
More than 20 years of experience related to project management, human capital management and safety of people in mobility contexts.
Philip is a people-oriented activist and professional with over ten years of demonstrated ability in delivering mission-critical results.
Accountability for Change continues the tradition of being reliable, future-forward, innovative, relevant and a thought leader, and these are exactly the capabilities we will bring to our consulting partnerships with you. We have a network of development experts who are working with us as research associates and are available to design, implement and complete whatever piece of work you need.
We cover campaign development, grant writing, all forms of research, curricula development, needs assessments, stakeholder mappings and engagement, and many more development and human rights activities.
- Accountability scorecard development.
- Development of accountability tools for advocacy.
- Training and capacity building.
- Accountability literacy educational programs.
- Stakeholder engagement. We use our Accountability framework in our work.
- Impact assessment: focus on accountability.
- Assessing your accountability work and your use of accountability frameworks and standards.
- Develop and conduct workshops, and conferences on accountability.